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LeBron James Resmi Most Valuable Player

AKRON - LeBron James resmi menjadi pemain terbaik di NBA. Kemarin WIB, superstar Cleveland Cavaliers itu dinobatkan sebagai Most Valuable Player (MVP) musim 2008-2009. Dia meraihnya nyaris tanpa persaingan, menjadi pilihan pertama bagi 109 dari 121 perwakilan media di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada.

James meraih total 1.172 poin suara, menang jauh atas Kobe Bryant (Los Angeles Lakers, 698 poin) dan Dwyane Wade (Miami Heat, 680)."Saya baru berusia 24 tahun dan menerima penghargaan ini. Saya tak pernah menyangka bisa mendapatkannya begitu cepat," kata James seperti dilansir Associated Press. "Saya tak pernah bermimpi menjadi MVP. Tapi saya bohong kalau saya bilang saya tidak menikmati penghargaan ini. Ini adalah bukti, kerja keras selalu menghasilkan dan mimpi pun menjadi kenyataan," lanjutnya.

James merupakan pemain Cavaliers pertama yang meraih penghargaan ini. Dia menerimanya di usia 24 tahun dan 106 hari, termuda ketiga setelah Wes Unseld (23 tahun pada 1969) dan Moses Malone (24 tahun 16 hari pada 1979).

Penganugerahan MVP kemarin berlangsung beda biasanya. Tidak diselenggarakan di markas tim, melainkan di gedung basket SMA St.Vincent-St. Mary di Akron (tak jauh dari Cleveland), tempat James dulu memulai kiprahnya sebagai bintang basket.

James hadir mengendarai mobil Ferrari berpelat nomor "W1TNES," sebelumnya melintasi rumah masa kecilnya dulu dan lapangan di Boondocks, tempatnya kali pertama belajar basket.

" tempat di mana segala mimpi saya dimulai, dan di mana saya sadar bahwa itu semua bisa menjadi kenyataan. Tidak ada tempat yang lebih pantas dari ini," ucap James tentang pilihan tempat perayaan ini.

Pada musim reguler 2008-2009 lalu, James mencetak rata-rata 28,4 poin, 7,6 rebound, dan 7,2 assist. Dia juga terpilih sebagai runner-up di kategori Defensive Player of the Year (pemain bertahan terbaik), di belakang Dwight Howard (Orlando Magic). Berarti, James merupakan pemain terhebat sejak Michael Jordan.

Saat menerima penghargaan, James tak lupa mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh barisan Cavaliers. Tanpa mereka, katanya, tidak mungkin dia bisa meraih penghargaan ini. Sebab, bermain bersama, mereka mampu meraih rekor 66-16 (terbaik di NBA), serta hampir tidak terkalahkan di kandang (39-2).

"Penghargaan individual diraih ketika sebuah tim meraih sukses. Ketika kita melihat 14 rekan saya di sana (dekat panggung, Red), saya mendapatkan penghargaan ini karena mereka. Mereka ikut kerja keras," papar James. "Penghargaan ini seperti untuk kita semua. Tapi, saya yang menyimpan trofinya di rumah," tambahnya disambut tawa pengunjung.

James lantas mengingatkan bahwa misi pribadinya dan Cavaliers belum berakhir. Mereka masih ingin mengejar gelar juara NBA, meraih sukses di ronde final Juni nanti. "Saya ingin ada perayaan lagi di bulan Juni," tandasnya.

Dalam perayaan itu, keluarga James ikut hadir. Ada kekasihnya Savannah, dua putranya yang masih kecil (LeBron Jr. dan Bryce), serta sang ibu yang dulu membesarkannya sendirian, Gloria.

Sang ibu, ketika dimintai komentar, mengaku dari dulu sudah yakin kalau James bakal terpilih sebagai pemain terbaik di NBA. "Ini tidak mengejutkan saya. Dia orang yang tak pernah melupakan dari mana dia berasal," pungkas Gloria. (aza)


cinta di halte bis

Aku adalah pria jomblo yang mencari cinta sejati dunia yang luas ini. ketika aku sedang nenunggu bis kampus di sebuah halte yang mungil. aku melihat wanita yang begitu indah dan menawan. membuat jantung ku berdebar-debar tak henti-hentinya. aku merasa sudah menemui wanita yang ku cari selama ini. wanita itu begitu cantik seperti bidadari dari surga, yang turun ke bumi hanya untuk ku...

bis kampus pun tiba. aku dan wanita itu naik perlahan ke dalam bis yang sederhana. aku sangat seneng ketika wanita itu juga naik ke dalam bis. membuat hati ini dulu sepi menjadi berbunga-bunga terasa lagi istana.

aku ingin dia melihan bahwa ku ada, yang selalu memperhatikan dia dari jauh. sebuah ke inginan yang sulit untuk di kabulkan. Dalam pikirannya menyimpan cinta yang begitu besar. keinginan untuk berkenalan itu terasa jauh. seperti mendaki gunung yang begitu tinggi.

ketika bis itu sampai, akhir dari berjalanan yang panjang terasa hanya sebentar. rasanya hati ini ingin mengulang. untuk bertemu dengan si wanita di sebuah bis yang sederhana.


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cinta yang ku pendam

yan cwo yang lugu, tapi dy tetap menawan di depan setiap wanita. dengan fostur tubuhnya yang tinggi membuatnya tetap pede di depan orang lain. sekaligus di depan mei, cwe yang membuat dirinya gelisah di sepanjang hari.

yan sangat sayang sama mei. dia ingin selalu menjaga mei, dimana pun dy berada. saking sayangnya, seorang yan nan lugu itu berani berkorban untuk sang wanita. dy tidak ragu lagi dengan perasaannya. ingin memiliki mei dengan tulus.

mei tidak mengetaui perasaan yan yang begitu besar. di karenakan yan membuat cinta itu tidak timbul. yan takut dengan cintanya yang begitu besar ngbuat persahabatannya hancur. yan tidak takut mengatakanya, tapi ingin menjaga perasaan itu tetap ada dalam dirinya.

kecintaannya kepada mei ngbuat dirinya tidak tenang. karena cinta itu sudah ingin meluap oleh perasaan yang begitu besar.



cinta yang ku pendam

sebuah kisah cinta yang datang dari saat persahabatan terbentuk. Dari saling bertemu di tempat nongrong awal cinta itu timbul. persahabatan yang terbentuk waktu SMP, sampai sekarang rasa cinta itu nggak hilang oleh waktu yang berganti. empat sahabat yang melengkapi satu sama lain itu, ada seorang laki-laki yang bernama yan suka sama sahabatnya sendiri. dy takut untuk mengatakan rasa cintanya kepada si wanita. "kenapa itu terjadi??"...
karena persahabatan begitu penting bagi yan. berkorban perasaan yang begitu besar, untuk menjaga persahabatan tetap ada.


a glimpse of SEO

Search Engine Optimization - known with the acronym SEO knowledgeable - has become something that is very important for many people with various backgrounds. The narrow SEO effort is all we can do to improve our website ranking on search engines (search engine), whether we do directly on our own website (on-page) or external factors outside of our website (off-page ). Usually this involves the activities of the engineering elements and content of our website, and most is done without requiring a charge.

Search Engine Marketing - SEM - have a wider scope of SEO. In particular, SEM also include PPC (pay per click - we pay a search engine for each visitor who came to our website through a search engine page.) SEM concerning anything we do to get as many visitors to our website through a search engine.

Generally, we do not separate the two. SEM aims to bring pengungjung as much as possible to our website through a search engine, which was one of the ways is to have a high ranking search engine. We can also memantaatkan new phenomenon in the virtual world community, including social media. Media is a form of social networks to share information on the internet. You can view it as a sophisticated form of human ways to share information that deems important or interesting to the acquaintance-kenalannya. Use social media to increase traffic to our website called Social Media Marketing (SMM).

We should not be too mengkotak-kotakan these things have all given the fundamental similarities. Objeknya the same: our website. The goal is the same: bring the visitor as much as possible. All are under one umbrella: SEM, all the methods we use to bring as many visitors to our website. With the growing popularity very rapidly, social media sooner or later will be in the system's search engine rank.

When all the troop do the same, we should separate ourselves and do something different. In SEO the courage to be different usually give satisfactory results. All people do the same - does not mean you can not do the same too. What I mean is you should do the same thing differently.

I intend to share my experience in the writings on this website. You will see the good and bad, successful and failed. Of course, follow the experience of both the creative and successful. We suggest you try to implement the modifications that come from your own creativity. If you have the desire to share the fruits of creativity you here, the course will be very good. Trust, to share and help will not hurt us. No need to hope there are people who reply to your goodness, as in the Top akan not forget you.

Study China Business Model

In 1978, China opened a new self to the outside world, especially the West. Since then, China's economy grew significantly, in which the Chinese now appear as a new economic giant in the global level.

Rapid economic progress is possible in China because of the ability of the nation including China practice the principles of a specific business, which has been known since 2500 years ago and continues to be developed by the perpetrators up to these days, according to the time of development and environment, economy and business culture that continues to change .

Suspected that gives great impact on the development of the national output, which is primarily caused by the large flow of foreign investment into China from time to time, so when this country became the largest recipient of foreign investment in the world.

Many assume that the success of the economic development of China at this time is possible by (five) 5 main factors, namely: human resource factors that abundant and cheap, and the Trust. In that regard, because the system dipraktikkannya business "spider web".

Merchant-traders from China successfully penetrate the market because of using the net is "good in the country and abroad." In its development, the phenomenon termed as guanxi (relationship), which in practice is not limited to family relations, but also of the same region of origin, of the same school and friendship.

Technology is the next factor. Absorption technology community in China clearly encourage significant growth in production output of China. Although it may not be equivalent to the technology developed countries, but now China has been relatively fast can be can "forge" new technologies in the developing world.

Other key factor is the institution. System with the communist bureaucracy which is very centralized, in conjunction with aspects of the Trust, so that the proximity of a successful businesswoman with party officials, the business decisions can be taken quickly.

Finally, a major strategic factor pentu at this time, China has developed rapidly with a variety of their basic infrastructure facilities, which are intended to reinforce the "business" of the people they are.

Departure experience with a variety of Chinese economic success these days, then the desire to learn, practice and understand the business culture of China in various parts of the world by many, especially the business increased very significantly.

Ann Wan Seng, a business of modern Malaysia was successful in explaining the success of a business that someone is actually nothing to do with the talent default.

So that there is also every person can achieve success if they could have run the 12 basic principles of business properly. As in them that have been raised by thinkers and business from China that is very popular, that is Tao Zhu-gong, which has been recognized in the history of Chinese society as a multi-milioner the first in China.

Professor Wee Chou How's one of the major universities in China explained that the 12 basic principles of business Tao Zhu-gong is considered by many parties is never kedaluarsa, because from time to time continue to be developed according to needs and circumstances by experts and business, especially China. So now in addition to 12 known as the principle business, has also practiced dikembankan and 12 prohibition of business, and 16 lessons business.

Considered that the success of the many ethnic Chinese business until this time, because of the practice of "family business" (Family Business) on an ongoing basis based on the consistent implementation of the principles of business Tao Zhu-gong to do with the adjustment-adjustment according to the time of tunturtan .

Manfred sneakers De Vries explained that compared to public companies, in general, families tend to have long-term perspective on business, in order to maintain the reputation of their family name.

So quite different with public companies that often focus on the many considerations for short-term interest-related business interests, which caused fluctuations in the stock.

Sid Lowe describes it in the case of Chinese family company, with the Overseas Chinese Family Business (OCFB) in Hong Kong. In building a culture of business, they do "hybridization" business culture modernis between west and east tradisionalis.

OCFB to approach the eklektik ideas western ideas and the east, characterized by the "entrepreneurial networks" based on skills in building trust and flexibility that can be a virtual organization's capital and a successful post-modern in keduapuluhsatu century in the West.

Hybridization values of the two business cultures is a characteristic of all at once is one of the benefits of cultural OCFB. Moreover, also absorb values and culture of the local community, the ease in adapting and developing business in the cultural context in which they reside.

Cultural values in a way Hibridasi business is also done by the Chinese Family-owned Enterprise (CFEs) in Singapore were successful in facing the economic crisis and rise to become motor driving the economy.

Some characteristics of CFEs, not all are considered suitable for modern management. Of them, a lack of separation between ownership and control, nepotism, conservative management, not lack of family members, a high degree otorianisme, based on scanty and hard work, the application of the path patrilinear, and business ethics, especially China Xinyong (trust).

According to Francis Fukuyama some family characteristics can hinder the growth of Chinese family business. Similarly, Gordon Redding said that the form of a Chinese family business has a barrier to growth. But in reality many Chinese family businesses that still exist, so that their opinions seem evident.

Development and sustainability of CFEs in Singapore is the result of the success of the transition of ownership, control, and management of first-generation family member to family member to the second generation. In other cases, even to the third generation.

Second-generation members, have been trained professionally and open to new management theory that incorporated into the cultural values of China as a simple and thrifty, persevering, and memodifikasinya into the world of work is in the modern context of rapid change. So they are guided by the values and standards of professional management examples shown by non-family professional managers.

Meanwhile, second-generation family members remain zealous to maintain the entrepreneurial function in their company. Also able to change the values of traditional China that does not put trust in non-family members and erase mistrust of administrative responsibility.

They give responsibility to the non-family professional manager, who trained and have the capability. Finally, the success of the Chinese people in building and empowerment and on an ongoing basis to continue their various business, does not appear to be irrespective of their ability memaknai and practice the principles of business "Tao Zhu-gong", which is mixed appropriately and in accordance with the changes of time.

They maintain the values that are considered beneficial and supports the existence of the company. In addition, the cast is not considered to be relevant and adopt the values for the new corporate culture in dicangkokkan ethnic Chinese / China.

Business Concept of Islam

There are a few things to note in the sale and purchase so that it can bring on the sale and purchase transaction patterns of healthy and fun. Therefore, it is not enough to know the law of sale and purchase without the knowledge of the concept of the sale and purchase transactions. In fact, the authors offer the concept is not difficult but the concept is often found in the community. However, in this case, the author would like to introduce the concept of "JARAS" in the sale and purchase transactions based on Islamic fiqh. This meant that the transaction is far from nefarious deeds, dirty and even harmful.

Many of the seller and the buyer does not mind the concept of the concept is beginning to rise up and profitable. In addition, the concept is also a component in the concept of sale and purchase in Islamic fiqh. If a global note, that this behavior seems unimportant, but rather, if actually observed, it will be able to make a sale and purchase transaction pattern, the healthy, fun and even profitable. The concept is as follows:
a) Jujur
Impartiality is the nature of the Prophet. that should be imitated. He saw in the nature of doing business is always honest. He always explains the quality of goods actually sold and did not even fudge coquet scale. So, latihlah honesty in the sale and purchase transaction pattern because honesty can bring fortune. As explained in Hadits;
This means: From Abdullah bin Harith. He complain to the Judicial bin Hazim ra. And he said that the Messenger of Allah said: "the seller and the buyer can do khiyar (choose) not as separate or split up to both. When both have been agreed and clear the sale belinya get blessings. And when they hit each other and lie then removed keberkahan in the sale belinya (do not get keberkahan) ". (HR. Al-Bukhari)
b) Amanah
Amanah Indonesia is in a language can be trusted. In the sale and purchase transactions, the nature of trust is necessary because with all the trust will run smoothly. With the nature of trust, the seller and the buyer will not have another suspect not even worry even though the goods in the hands of the people. Starting a business is usually based on trust. Therefore, trust is an important component in the sale and purchase transactions. As in the Qur'an;
This means: He told you to deliver a speech entitled to receive it, .. (QS. An-Nisa, 58)
This means: O those who believe, do not betray Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad), and (also) do not betray the mandate, the mandate entrusted to you, and you know it. (QS. Al-Anfaal, 27)
c) Living
Many people are difficult to behave friendly between. Often surly when meeting with people or even memilah have to behave friendly. In fact, the merit friendly recommended by Islam, and for anyone to anybody. With friendly, so many people like, with lots of friendly people who are happy. Because the friendly nature of the application is a form of humility someone. Mercifulness, do not feel proud, like respect and love is the essence of nature-friendly. Therefore, be ramahlah in the sale and purchase transactions can make consumers happy to be so or even if you feel tentram deal. As information in the Hadith;
This means: From Abdullah bin Jabir ra. Indeed, the Prophet said: Allah will love someone who magnanimous when selling, buying and ask. (HR. Al-Bukhari)
d) Fair
Adil is the nature of Allah. And the Prophet is an example of the human figure applies fair. With the fair, no one injured. Be not make to all consumers is one of the forms of application of impartiality. Therefore, the seller should be fair in the sale and purchase transaction as it would affect the results jualannya. The consumer will feel comfortable because there is no feeling and dilebihkan reduced. As information in the Qur'an;
This means: .... And (told you) when set in the law between men in order that you specify with the fair. Allah gave the instruction as well as possible to you. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving to see hear. (QS. An-Nisa, 58)
e) Sabar
The last patient attitude when it is tried and trust. In the sale and purchase, the nature of patient is necessary because it can bring fortune. The seller must be patient on all attitude buyers bid and always complains. This is done so that the buyers satisfied and happy if the deal. Similarly, the buyer, the nature of patient ditanamkan must if you want to get a product that has good quality and cheap price plus there is no gimmick. As information in the Qur'an;
This means: If you get good, they grieve, but if you get a disaster, therefore, they rejoice. if you are patient and cautious, their guile shall not in the least bring kemudharatan you. Allah knows all what they do. (QS. Ali Imran, 120)